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Maxi-Singles 3 12w
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Courtesy Dave Hanna's Madonna Song Index

Madonna "True Blue"
Madonna "The Immaculate Collection"

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"Open Your Heart" stands as another landmark in Madonna's emerging pop sophistication. The song is one of the best of her '80s tracks, but the strength of this single is its compelling video. This marks Madonna's first collaboration with Jean-Baptiste Mondino, who can proudly stand next to David Fincher and Mark Romanek as one of Madonna's best video directors. The video starred Madonna as an "adult" dancer where different men watch as she performs for them. Perhaps the most important character in the video, however, is the young boy who stands outside the theater wanting to get in. He represents burgeoning sexuality, wanting to express it but not finding the avenue to do so. Finally he starts to dance in front of a mirror, and at the end of the video is joined by Madonna as she leaves, and the two dance together on the street at dawn (which is certainly no coincidence). Personally I think the young boy stands as one of the most important characters in any of her videos, and represents one of the most important concepts that Madonna has promoted in her career -- coming to terms with and accepting your individual sexuality, and finding ways to express, rather than repress, those feelings.

TRIVIA: "Open Your Heart" was originally titled "Follow Your Heart," and was offered to Cyndi Lauper at first. When Madonna got a hold of the song, it took on a more dance-pop feel and the lyrics were changed somewhat.

by Jean-Baptiste Mondino
Courtesy Sindri's Madonna Page

Last update: 17 April 2001 03:13 PM