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Courtesy Dave Hanna's Madonna Song Index

Madonna "Madonna"
Madonna "The Immaculate Collection"
Soundtrack "Snatch"

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If Madonna looked like a Pat Benatar wannabe on the single cover for "Borderline," then "Lucky Star" is the single that launched Madonna's own army of wannabes. The street urchin look combined with that oh-so-tantalizing belly button made the "Lucky Star" video one of Madonna's most indelible images, and helped continue her increased profile on both the charts and the pop culture map.

The song is a riff on a popular children's rhyme, and barely walked the line between cheesy and sexy. The single is one of a handful to miss the top ten in the UK -- indeed, the next ten years featured ten straight years of top tens for Madonna in Britain. The song is now also featured on the soundtrack to her husband Guy Ritchie's film, "Snatch."

TRIVIA: In 1984, Madonna was quite eager to release her sophomore album "Like A Virgin," but due to the unstoppable success of "Borderline" and "Lucky Star," the "Like A Virgin" album and single were pushed back to the end of the year. Another interesting foot note: in 2000, Madonna fans encountered a surprising find on the web -- rumored pics of the original album art for Madonna's first album, which featured different cover art and was titled "Lucky Star."

by Arthur Pierson

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Courtesy Sindri's Madonna Page

Last update: 17 April 2001 09:51 PM