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Courtesy Dave Hanna's Madonna Song Index

Soundtrack "Vision Quest"

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Probably the strongest dance track on the entire "Erotica" album, "Deeper and Deeper" was hindered by public backlash against her over-sexed imagery and a video which many fans felt unable to relate to. Many have even suggested that if she had tempered her sexual image a bit and released "Deeper and Deeper" as a lead-off single with a more traditional video, the entire album may have even seen more success.

The video for "Deeper and Deeper" features Madonna looking rather un-attractive to many, but a deeper analysis reveals a very compelling storyline. Essentially a "fall from innoncence," the early parts of the video feature Madonna having fun in a club, but as the clip progresses, Madonna heads down a stairwell into a rather seedy environment where she meets her lover (played by Udo Kier). A balloon popping sounds like a gun shot to her, and soon her world becomes a crazy swirl.

Note: The text of this summary may be replaced soon with some more informative first-hand information.

TRIVIA: Shep Pettibone, who produced "Deeper and Deeper," reportedly hated the Spanish instrumental bridge in the song. However, Madonna insisted he keep it in the track. Also, "Deeper and Deeper" directly lifts several lines from her hit "Vogue" at the end of the song: "You've got to just let your body move to the music," and "you've got to just let your body go with the flow."

by Peter Rosenthal

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Last update: 10 January 2001 10:23 PM